Retired Employees of San Diego County, Inc.
Honoring Yesterday. Protecting Tomorrow.

Virtual RESDC - Lunch and Learn with Paul Greenwood

RESDC is proud to launch Virtual RESDC
with our first online membership meeting!

Lunch and Learn with Paul Greenwood
Tuesday July 28, 11:30am - 12:30pm

Recently retired prosecutor Paul Greenwood - a former deputy district attorney with our County  - will draw upon his 22 years experience of prosecuting serious felony elder abuse cases to share tips on how to reduce the risk of becoming a victim.

He will point out red flags that indicate possible financial exploitation, physical abuse or neglect and will describe how our current pandemic is producing different types of scams that we need to avoid.

Greenwood will urge us all to look out for our seniors and will provide some valuable tips on what to do if you suspect that someone in your family or wider community  is already a victim of some form of elder abuse.

At the conclusion of the presentation you will have the opportunity to ask questions which Paul will be happy to answer.

What: Lunch and Learn with Paul Greenwood

When: Tuesday, July 28, 11:30am-12:30pm

Where: Online Zoom meeting room

RSVP: Click here to Register

How to Join: An email will be sent out with the link to the meeting closer to the date of the event

Are you on social media? Stay connected with us!

8825 Aero Drive, Suite 205, San Diego, CA 92123
(619) 688-9229 • Toll-Free (866) 688-9229 •